Thursday, December 6, 2007

Session 4 Reflection

Today we learnt how to interpret the statistical data we acquired from the WIHIC questionnaires we did yesterday. Heavy mathematical stuffs we got there and some of the alien terms we came across in our PDCM MEd 871 module suddenly made sense (finally). We learnt how to interpret the data generated in the Summary Item Statistics and Paired Sample T-test. Paired sample T-test is basically the comparison of the before-and-after response of each participant and from its name, one could understand why the means are compared in PAIRS. If the generated data, Paired Samples Correlation shows a significance of less than 0.05%, that means the actual and preferred inputs are significantly different. Hence we have to address the reason for the existence of the gap. In short, the item with significance furthest away from the 0.05% mark requires the most attention as there might be some pressing before-evaluation/after-evaluation issue that needs to be addressed first.

After the brief but fruitful campus tour, we were taught the essentials of report-writing. Here is what a report should consist of:
-Body : i) Literature Review ii) Rationale of Study iii) Research Questions
-Instruments Used
-Reference in APA format

For our group assignment, a 3-4 page report has to be handed in by tomorrow.

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