Monday, December 3, 2007

Some Takeaways for Session 3

I've understood the rationale of assessing the Learning Environment (LE) in greater depth because a good LE would not only facilitate the teacher's teaching better but it also plays an important role in the learner's understanding of the lesson delievered. We were also introduced to 3 general approaches to the assessment of LE and the use of pupils' and/or teacher's perception obtained through questionairs administration would be the most favoured one. One prominent figure in the educational psychology field that my group had researched on is Rudolf H. Moos who was the brains behind all the important aspects of questionaires items which we have been using (or made to use) all our life. I would certainly find out more about Moos as well as several others famous (and infamous) figures which had directly (and indirectly) contributed to the education research field.

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